Seamoss boosted with superfoods!

Seamoss boosted with superfoods!

4 minute read 

Hey Oneself wellbeing community; how has your health been recently? 

Feeling a little…flat? 😑

Not sure where to start? 😩

Well, let’s start with one of the healthiest superfoods on the planet… times two. 

Meet Seamoss. Our star seller.

Seamoss is serious about your wellbeing, and Oneself wellbeing is serious about seamoss. 

Seamoss packs a health-punch all on its own; but what would happen if we paired it with some of the world's most revered superfoods?

You may have noticed that our seamoss comes in a vast variety of flavours;

Goji berry
Elderberry and ginger
• Cinnamon

What you may not know is that each flavour has been specifically hand-selected to synergise with the properties of seamoss; a carefully curated collection of power-packing health heros.

Are you ready to meet our bestselling wellness boosting-team, 1-1? 



BLADDERWRACK infused Seamoss

Twisted with zingy lime, and teaming with health benefits, this combo redefines tropical punch!

✔ Bladderwrack is a seaweed, just like seamoss! 
✔ As one of natures most iodine dense plants; bladderwrack is top for thyroid support
✔ By improving thyroid health, bladderwrack also improves metabolism, digestion and circulation

Who is this combo for?

The efficient, and hard-working. Seamoss alone meets 92 of 102; paired with bladderwrack, you receive a full 102 mineral power-pack!


MORINGA infused Seamoss

With a mellow, earthy taste, you would hardly guess that moringa was named “plant of the year” by the National institute of health!

✔ Moringa is popping with powerful phytonutrients; protein, calcium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin A, chlorophyll…
✔ With a higher vitamin C content than an orange, moringa is an immune system 
✔ Moringa excels a multivitamin; with more vitamin A than a carrot, more potassium than a banana, and more protein than dairy yogurt 

Who is this combo for?

Those in need of an immune-boosting, intense-defense.


TURMERIC infused Seamoss

Pungent, Sweet and earthy. Turmeric twisted with seamoss makes for a golden gel, glowing with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving compounds. 

✔ Turmeric contains curcumin; a compound that reduces inflammation
✔ By reducing inflammation, turmeric is renowned for its ability to reduce pain 
✔ Curcumin can also boost cognitive function by increasing neurotrophic factor! (much like our lions mane mushroom)

Who is this combo for?

Those with chronic inflammatory conditions and pain related issues. 


GOJI BERRY infused Seamoss

Slightly tangy, and tantalizingly sweet; goji berries resemble a tart summer berry in taste, and are just as jam-packed with goodness.

✔ Goji berries were traditionally used to increase stamina and day-to-day energy levels. They have all the right nutrients to support fatigue and lethargy.
✔ Abundant in essential amino acids, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and healthy fats; goji berries support energy maintenance by providing the nutrients the body needs!
✔ Reducing blood glucose, hypertension and cholesterol levels; goji berries are the cardiovascular systems saint.

Who is this combo for?

For those with cardiovascular ailments. Goji berry has unique “blood-building” properties. And for those dealing with fatigue.


ELDERBERRY + GINGER infused Seamoss

Bold, rich, and delicately tart; elderberry and ginger are a classic English autumnal pair, packing a powerful immune tonic. 

✔ Elderberries are the iconic English immune tonic; berries bursting with antiviral,
antibacterial benefits.
✔ Elderberries are bursting with heart-hugging, cardiovascular-protecting properties like reducing cholesterol, and improving vascular integrity.
✔ Ginger is a fiery friend to elderberries; similar in immune boosting, cardio-protecting qualities, ginger is also anti-inflammatory, and can reduce pain.

Who is this combo for?

Those wanting to protect their cardiovascular and immune system long-term.


Sooo guys, which one is your favourite? Leave us a comment below! 👇

We hope you that you have found your perfect combination!

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